Questions of Power (22): Iniquity and Inequality.“Let none resemble another; let each resemble the highest! How can that happen? Let each be all complete in itself.” — Friedrich SchillerFeb 2Feb 2
Questions of Power (21): Never Settle for LibertyFreedom is good, but it’s not good enough. Even at its best, I think freedom, or liberty, was always something of a limited concept. But…Dec 9, 2024Dec 9, 2024
Q.O.P. Notes (20) Introduction to Part Two: “The Social Evasion of Power”I’m leaping ahead in my notes from Part One to Part Two. I’m restless and hate sticking to outlines. Part One could go on indefinitely, and…Sep 16, 2024Sep 16, 2024
Plate 2: Six Flags, Music, Bodies, and Machines.From Earth’s lower orbit, rollercoasters probably resemble war-machines: red and yellow catapults hurling and terrorizing human bodies, not…Sep 19, 2023Sep 19, 2023
Notes for “QUESTIONS of POWER” (6), Infinite Plasticity, Time, Space, and Alien DynamicsThe British humanist-pragmatist F.C.S Schiller was quoted by William James as saying that “The world is essentially _______, it is what we…Sep 5, 2023Sep 5, 2023
Notes on “Questions of Power” (5), the Ontology of Mechanism, Time, and Rhythm.The crux of Aristotle’s Metaphysics is the relation of being and change. In the first parts, he treats us to some choice cliffnotes on how…Aug 30, 2023Aug 30, 2023
Notes on “QUESTIONS of POWER” (3), Modes and Configurations.The categorical conception of power covers both the everyday, efficacious, empowering, productive forms, on the one hand, and the…Jul 24, 2023Jul 24, 2023
Plate 1: Rube Goldberg’s “Idea for Dodging Bill Collectors.”Above is a cartoon by Rube Goldberg entitled “Idea for Dodging Bill Collectors.” The caption runs: “Professor Butts mistakes a lot of…Jul 17, 20231Jul 17, 20231
Notes on “Questions of Power” (2), the Science of Accidents.The first section began with the somewhat gnomic phrase that power neither is, as a rejection of ontology, nor is not, as a rejection of…Jul 14, 20231Jul 14, 20231